Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

But first what to pack? OH YAA BABY I’m going for my second vacation, to Jordan this time.

Hahahaha it feels like it’s been forever (not literally) since I had a holiday. Doesn’t it always feel like that for you even if you just came back from one?!

Lately I was leading a super busy month full of work, gym and school. I back to school to learn swedish.

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In the beginning I thought of throwing on my comfiest outfit, log into Netflix and grab a jumbo bag of popcorn and just see a movie, but summer is not over yet (Happy Face Emoji), so I decided to fly again where is the real sun and warmth.

I’m going to stay with my best friend chilling, pooling and meeting other friends.

But for this weekend I’m going to Södra Teatern, let my hair down – pop some champagne and dance the whole night.