Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Rain Rain Go Away … Come Back Another Day!!

IMG_2217-sideJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Swedes say: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes”

Welcome to a new day in Stockholm, oh and it is a rainy one.

In Sweden especially during spring and autumn, you will experience all types of weather within a couple of hours.

After we felt the swedish summer for almost two weeks, the temperature is down and it is raining.

I’m trying to make peace with temperatures because even if it is rainy and wet, I still can enjoy the long hours of light as much as I would like. I think I will be living for the long hours of daylight in this cold country.

The good thing in here is the positive attitude you see in people, the fact that even though it’s raining right now, sailboats are still going by, that even though temperatures are cool, people are still picnicking and eating outside but with warm clothing on and blankets to enjoy every minute in the weekend.


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