Yesterday Vs. Today


Beautiful sunset in Cairo, Egypt

What a great time of year to have the opportunity to come back to my hometown, from the snow to the sunshine and palm trees! On top of that a chance to connect and network with some of my besties, old and new friends.

Yesterday I had my last day in Cairo before heading back to Stockholm and since the sun was shining, I decided to go for a last walk around the city.


My morning started with a breakfast at Pottery Cafe in Zamalek, then I went to have lunch with my family before I headed into town to take some photos of the sun. Vacay days flew so fast!!

When I got back it was time to pack my bags, have dinner with my friends, say goodbye and leave to the airport. So sad to say goodbye to those awesome friends.. But I will definitely see you soon!

Jasmine Elnadeem

From the flight I saw Stockholm covered  in snow like a winterland. So, another day with lots of snow and Cold! Ohhhhh I wish I could turn back in time and feel the sun on my face again.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Stockholm is that city which never stops, even in the middle of a snow storm. This year we have quite a cold winter.

Counting down to Christmas feels pretty anyway.

Now I will go to see my Swedish friends, and have some quality time with before the weekend finish.

Hugs & XOXO

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