Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

It is Sunday, and it is another beautiful sunny weekend for this spring before it would turn grey and wet again.

In Sweden you might end up spent pretty much the entire winter indoors, so it was about time to just be outside into the wide green fields, the sun and to see some pretty horses.






I took the bus with my boyfriend and we headed to Gärdet, northeast of Östermalm – Stockholm. Its official name is Ladugårdsgärdet. WOW I haven’t been there before and I just felt that I belong to that place especially when it is sunny.

Nature is a beautiful thing and it can be wonderful when you are able to surround yourself with it.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

Today isn’t officially the International Day of Happiness, but it was a very happy day indeed. I played with the horses, ran around, soaked up some sun and ate ice-cream.

I wonder why one can not really declare every day to be a day of happiness and share happiness in general.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

Sure, you can not just pass over happiness as we do with goods, but maybe there are little things you can do to make others happy. At least on a small scale.

In the end, we came home early to give my baby cats the quality time they deserve and to play with them. Meaw!

Hope y’all had a relaxed weekend too either indoors or outdoors.


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