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Happy Tuesday to Y’all! Came really quick this week I think.

I miss my vacation mood already Hahahaha!!

So here are some photos focusing on details from some of my latest looks here on the blog.

Will I go soon on a trip? By plane or train? Or maybe by a boat?thumb_img_5625_1024img_4710 (1)img_5040

Follow me on Instagram & for live moves on Snapchat at: Selnadeem

Let’s talk more soon, love, J


Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Is It Okay If I’ll Call You Mine?!

I will never say never to a trend. I have some favourite colours like block, purple, pink and royal blue but I can’t see myself in the same colour or style cage all the time because I love my freedom.

Im a very moody person and my style changes according to my mood. One day I’m very feminine and the other day I’m very boyish. Hahahaha 😉

I’ve worn this dress a lot this summer – totally in love with it. Soon it is Midsummer’s celebration in Sweden! It’s a tradition to hang out by the water. I have never been in Sweden during the celebration, but my friend is gonna take me out to celebrate my first Mid-Summer. Oh Yaaaay!!

Jasmine ElnadeemIMG_4710

It will be much fun to hang out with friends and Miley the dog. I’m so excited already.

Hope you’re all having a great day today and that you will get the chance to enjoy the sun. I will finish work early today then I’ll be heading to my boxing class and after that I’m Off-Duty! XOXO

Instagram Takeover | Pickit


It was an honor to accept the Pickit offer to take over their Instagram account this  weekend!

I’ve moved to Sweden and it was time to share how I spent my time around here.

It took me a long time to realize that there are things makes me happy like taking photos and capturing moments to build and shape memories the way I want them to be.


Pickit is a global photography community providing images for 1.2 billion Office users.

That Swedish startup works with a unique curation dedicated to serve slide show presentation creators.

The Pickit Market contains photos from thousands of photographers worldwide and any person or organisation can publish and sell their photos on Pickit Market.

I really enjoyed my time out there and I hope for those who had followed me that they liked my photos 🙂

Happy Sunday xoxo