Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Is It Okay If I’ll Call You Mine?!

I will never say never to a trend. I have some favourite colours like block, purple, pink and royal blue but I can’t see myself in the same colour or style cage all the time because I love my freedom.

Im a very moody person and my style changes according to my mood. One day I’m very feminine and the other day I’m very boyish. Hahahaha 😉

I’ve worn this dress a lot this summer – totally in love with it. Soon it is Midsummer’s celebration in Sweden! It’s a tradition to hang out by the water. I have never been in Sweden during the celebration, but my friend is gonna take me out to celebrate my first Mid-Summer. Oh Yaaaay!!

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It will be much fun to hang out with friends and Miley the dog. I’m so excited already.

Hope you’re all having a great day today and that you will get the chance to enjoy the sun. I will finish work early today then I’ll be heading to my boxing class and after that I’m Off-Duty! XOXO


Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem


OHH YEAH, the yellow block lettered  standing out there screaming loud on my Zara denim.

I don’t usually talk about my clothes even if I love fashion so much but sometimes one item of clothing can stand out and express many things in few words. They are MOM jeans, which gives that ’70s ~ ’80s vibes, and fit so nicely on me.

Because I love loud music, and oh yes loud music kills a cocktail hour.

I was shy when I was very young, but by time I taught myself how to stand strong and no matter who I’m with, or what they are saying, I stood confident.

Shyness means insecurity, even if it’s only a small bit.

Working as a journalist then in marketing for over 15 years taught me that If you’re shy and don’t talk too much, people won’t remember anything about you. So If you want people to remember you, express yourself, share your emotions and opinions loudly. And don’t be afraid to say what people don’t want to hear.


“I AM OK” is what I say most of the time, it sums up my every day response when someone asks, “How are you?”

I say “I AM OK” even if sometimes I’m not. That’s why I always say that a smile doesn’t mean I’m okay, a smile means I’m trying to be ok.

People think because I look small, it means I don’t eat much, but the sparkling patches (burger, ice cream, a shake) on my jeans are so much me.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

Last but not least, the block lettered “WORK IT”, because if you want to know what is round the corner, you need to follow your free spirit and find out.

Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to.

If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.

Let your true self shine through. BECAUSE YOU ARE UNIQUE.


Bloody Biker



Dreaming of riding motorcycle indicates that you would be a part of the fun life rather than watching it like audience.

You can call it whatever, but YES, it is a mix of freedom, adventure, spiritual experience, confidence and independence.

Riding a motorcycle is no longer a boys’ club activity! Women are taking to motorcycles with an increased voracity, and I’m proud to say that Egyptian women are actually doing it now and lots of them confronted personal challenges, societal stereotypes, and cultural expectations to embrace the freedom and independence of motorcycling.

Check the Egypt Female Bikers the official female bikers community which aims to support all women riders in Egypt through education and community events and advices.



Believe me there is nothing like the rush I feel when I’m in control of a beautiful motorcycle.

At the age of 30 I got my motorcycle driving license. I wanted to tell myself that I can do anything, no matter what my age.

Now it is time to conquer the swedish streets and find how can I claim my license here. If you have any tips or hints, please throw it here 🙂