I’M Possible

Sometimes, we encounter a task or a goal that we see as difficult. But difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It simply means that you have to work hard.

It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.

Shades Of Grey

According to color psychology, Gray can be monotonous, conventional and also depleting to the physical human body.

If you like gray color it shows your Intellect, futurism, modesty, sadness. It shows you are a hard worker but also not a dull one.

I only wear grey when my mood is swinging, as in that moment I need to control my emotions to avoid an emotional pain.


Because the days come and go. I have done what I could. Tomorrow is a new day. I will try to begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with my old nonsense.

Yes, some days are shit. Some days are awful, the shit hit the fan. But these days don’t last forever, and they finish when you shut your eyes and sleep. I know that my problems won’t go away overnight, but my stress and my pain and will be less.

I don’t want to hold onto the bad. I try to let it go, as quickly as possible and will hold on the good things and not let the excitement of the moment slips away.