
Good afternoon, OMG I feel like a human once again. I woke up at 4.30 in the morning and walked till the metro (Tunnelbana) like a zombie.

It was freezing, -10 C and will reach -15 C in the evening.

Today I make my first trip in 2017, taking the train to enjoy the beauty of Sweden and heading to the south where you can see the sun.

Malmö here I come and soon off for quality time with my friends that I’ve missed!

This year I decided to put myself first. It sounds like a cliché but oh damn it, I always forget me. Work is important, friends are important but not more important than me.


Also I decided to BE HAPPY and try to stop worrying about stuff I can’t control anyway.

Above all of that travel more to see new places I haven’t visited before.

Malmö is Scandinavia’s most diverse city. Over 40% of its residents have immigrant backgrounds and over 25% of its residents were born in another country.

I’m really looking forward to visiting many places and sightseeing in Malmö.

Puss Puss! XOXO

Gott 2017 | Skål

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Good morning. I just wanted to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

yesterday was a nice night, we celebrated with some drinks, dinner at STURE HOF. The place is far from an ordinary restaurant. We had so much and the food was amazing. Countdown, fireworks, new year kiss and some dancing before I ended the night with a plate of dessert.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine ElnadeemA great way to end last year! Now I will be looking forward to see what 2017 have to offer me. I am so excited for it!