Once a weekend!

The highlight of the weekend aside from being sick and in hospital, Saturdays have become my favorite days to explore new places, cities in Sweden.

Few weeks ago I went to visit Vaxholm. Me and my boyfriend took the Waxholmsboalget boats to the in the Stockholm archipelago.
We found out later on that you can actually go to the town by bus using your SL card. Still taking the ferry was magical especially on the way back to Stockholm. The view was so pretty and it was a sunny day!

The best thing to do in Vaxholm is to simply stroll around. Don’t forget to stroll along the harbour. 
Vaxholm is the name of both a town and the island it is on and is located in the central portion of the archipelago.
Thanks to google search I found the best place for a Swedish “fika”, Vaxholms Hembygdsgårds Café which is beautifully situated on a small peninsula. There you will find all sorts of traditional Swedish dishes like cold-roasted salmon with dill stewed potatoes, smoked shrimps and the classic “shrimp sandwich” (in Swedish: räkmacka). Not to even mention the amazing desert buffet with cookies and pastries! OMG yum yum for the nuf nuf tummy.

The first thing you may notice when arriving at Vaxholm, apart from a boat petrol station, is its fortress. It was constructed under King Gustav Vasa in the 16th century, though most of it was rebuilt in the 19th century. It protected Stockholm city successfully from the Danes in the 17th century and the Russians in the 18th. The view from above is really amazing especially on a sunny day.
We had early dinner before we leave the island at Magasinet i Waxholm
This restaurant has everything you would want, great organic food, great wine, great view, friendly staff and a shop underneath to browse. 

Have a nice weekend y’all, XOXO


Jasmine ElnadeemWadi MujibJasmine Elnadeem

Hey girls and guys, OMG I finished a tough and exciting adventure in Wadi Mujib.

Personally I didn’t know the place  but thanks to my friend who sent me with some of his German friends who have been there before, I got to experience one of the most fun adventures ever.

The hike we did today had a guide front us. It was like hiking except that you had to walk in the flooded waterfalls along the way.

Hahahaha I had my leather REEBOK shoes on, as I didn’t know where they are taking me. Bye Bye pretty shoes, you were so good to me!

My experience in Wadi Mujib was amazing. The canyon was beautiful and the water was nice and cool. I really had so much fun walking through the stream, climbing up the water falls though I had to be pushed up twice hahahaha, and the tour guides were so nice and helpful.

IMG_5898Jasmine Elnadeem

The walk was harder than I expected. In fact, it actually would not have been possible without the presence of the guide and my friends who had to lift me up over some rocks.

The hike back was more fun. It’s a lot easier to slide down waterfalls than to ascend them. WOW I didn’t laugh as much as I did during the way back.

By the time we got back to the cliff, my poor shoes were completely filled with small sand from walking through the stream, but it was a great trip indeed.

Wadi Mujib is a genuinely remote and wild place, the lowest nature reserve on earth south of Amman.

XOXO from Amman, J

Bloody Biker



Dreaming of riding motorcycle indicates that you would be a part of the fun life rather than watching it like audience.

You can call it whatever, but YES, it is a mix of freedom, adventure, spiritual experience, confidence and independence.

Riding a motorcycle is no longer a boys’ club activity! Women are taking to motorcycles with an increased voracity, and I’m proud to say that Egyptian women are actually doing it now and lots of them confronted personal challenges, societal stereotypes, and cultural expectations to embrace the freedom and independence of motorcycling.

Check the Egypt Female Bikers the official female bikers community which aims to support all women riders in Egypt through education and community events and advices.



Believe me there is nothing like the rush I feel when I’m in control of a beautiful motorcycle.

At the age of 30 I got my motorcycle driving license. I wanted to tell myself that I can do anything, no matter what my age.

Now it is time to conquer the swedish streets and find how can I claim my license here. If you have any tips or hints, please throw it here 🙂