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Lately I have been working extra hours on different projects. I felt so tired on many days that I wanted to skip my gym.

They say: “A kiss a day can keep the doctor away.”

Kissing is intimate. It gets to the core of your heart and spirit because it’s such a lovely way to express and receive love and affection.

We live in a hard world, sometimes it is extra difficult to survive being a human being. We all face that bad day and sometimes we that bad day which lasts for several years. We struggle, we succeed or we fail. We lose jobs, love, money, even friends.

Then come that moment when everything seems cloaked in the dark.

Jasmine Elnadeem

I thought of what I usually do when I feel under stress. I usually think that first things first, I make sure to eat, I go to the gym and exercise the stress out.

Exercise causes a release of endorphins and I love the feelings of joy after a workout.

One other thing I do when I’m stressed, I shop flowers. Specific colors can invigorate, harmonize and relax me. Flowers create a different mood and causes an immediate effect on the energy.

img_7561Jasmine ElnadeemYes flowers are a wonderful way to bring color and positive energy into your life.

What about you?! Any tips or tricks to wash the stress away?

Talk later then, HUGS & KISSES ❤


Jasmine Elnadeem

You never really know what’s coming. A small wave, or maybe a big one. All you can really do is hope that when it comes, you can surf over it, instead of drown in its MONSTROSITY

Jasmine Elnadeem

I think it take years to develop your confidence and yes I feel more beautiful now at my 32 years old than I ever did in my twenties.

Hahahaha they say that women get more beautiful as time goes on. I think the more we get older the more we learn how to control our inner critic which stops us from glowing.

Recently I released that I love to have some good time with my beloved ones and to laugh a lot.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Another benefit of growing up and getting older is that your friendships are deepening, you decide to stay around those who respect you, don’t use you or take your friendship for granted.

I think after some tough time in my new home, I learned that the secret to a happy life is to not take anything too seriously and give zero time to self-doubt.

Sending Y’all some positive vibes, J



Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Are You Curious? Do you want to know more about me?

Let me tell you what J LOVES

I’ve gotten used to be one of the early birds. I do get up early even without setting my alarm on.

Yes I’m one of those maniacs who check my phone, Instagram and Twitter first thing in the morning.

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, I used to be able to skip breakfast to sleep a little longer, but that’s impossible now. I seriously have to start my day with a nice breakfast! And when I’m out travelling, my whole trip is ruined if the hotel doesn’t have a nice breakfast buffet.

I like working out in the morning but sometimes I do it later in the afternoon depend on my work schedule. I’m obsessed with making playlists to fit the rights vibes of my moves.

Music makes everything better. It reminds me what a gift it is to be alive and breathing. Good music is like good food. It doesn’t matter where it originated.

From 9.00 to 16:00 it is all about Work, work, work. I love working with those who have good ideas and can speak up their minds.

I listen to music when I’m working as I’m able to work fairly well among ordinary distractions.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

I blog usually early in the morning or late in the night but that doesn’t mean that I’m not blogging all the time using different platforms. To be honest when I’ve got something to say, I write. LOlllll!

I like to eat an early dinner around 18.00 and you will win my heart if you cook for me or get me some sushi. I have no restraints and I save calories where I can by drinking juices and eating light but I splurge when I really want something.

If I go to meet friends, I do get ready fast that I’m sometimes the first one ready of my friends.

My question to you: what you do on a daily basis? Do you have a routine and when do you feel more productive?! Do you usually blog like me?!