Crisp white shirt from: Kappahl

I spent my weekend walking in the city not believing that I am living in this city.

I moved to stockholm in January 2015 and time just flew.

I have been suffering from the hay-fever symptoms for over 3 months. The pollen is killing me! My eyes are itchy, my nose is blocked and I can’t breath well.

The antihistamine aren’t working anymore but as I can’t take this no more, I decided to enjoy the sunny weekend no matter what.

I went for FIKA with my friend then hopped into town for some errands and today I had some Lebanese food, wine and shisha under the sun with my boyfriend.

Tomorrow I will be back to work but soon gonna celebrate my birthday with my beloved ones.

Hope you had a lovely weekend too! LOVE


Jasmine Elnadeem

You never really know what’s coming. A small wave, or maybe a big one. All you can really do is hope that when it comes, you can surf over it, instead of drown in its MONSTROSITY

Jasmine Elnadeem

I think it take years to develop your confidence and yes I feel more beautiful now at my 32 years old than I ever did in my twenties.

Hahahaha they say that women get more beautiful as time goes on. I think the more we get older the more we learn how to control our inner critic which stops us from glowing.

Recently I released that I love to have some good time with my beloved ones and to laugh a lot.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Another benefit of growing up and getting older is that your friendships are deepening, you decide to stay around those who respect you, don’t use you or take your friendship for granted.

I think after some tough time in my new home, I learned that the secret to a happy life is to not take anything too seriously and give zero time to self-doubt.

Sending Y’all some positive vibes, J


White as the SNOW!!


Good evening my oldies!!

Oh what a Sunday. I feel great, a bit tired. Not because of partying but I fell asleep late and woke up early, kinda story of my life haha!

Yesterday was an amazing day, I went to the cinema with my love then we celebrated my one year anniversary in Sweden.

Today we went to walk on the frozen lake near to our home, I did my first snow-angel  and I enjoyed that to the max!




It was so nice to try walking on the frozen lake and a bit scary too at least for me. But the snow was incredibly beautiful and it was just amazing to be here. The light was magical to stand out there and take many photos.

Now I’m chillaxing at home with my kitties and a cup of green tea. Hugs! ❤