Jasmine Elnadeem

What it feels like when you told that you have a cancer?!

When I was told I had a cancer, I didn’t yell, I actually laughed.

I don’t believe in fate or miracles. I believe that only my will can shape the future.

I always laughed when I panic!! Hahaha!!

Jasmine Elnadeem

The days that follow are full of shock, denial, fear, anger, and even sorrow.

I realised also that the ones who think they know me, they really don’t know anything at all.

My therapist lately told me that I’m a strong woman for being able to fight for myself over and over again.

But I have to say that I took long time working on my emotional state before I was able to actually share anything about my cancer to people.

Sharing my cancer story still not an easy task, I don’t know where to start, and when I do, people react to this kind of news in different ways.

Some reacted negatively for not knowing from the start. Others were reminded with their own fears about cancer and started to ask me questions as if I was an expert.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

I believe that we are free to share what we want and I still refuse to share certain information which I consider very private.

In the end Knowing about other people’s personal experience of cancer can be a source of support and inspiration when you or someone you love is going through cancer treatment.


There is beauty in a woman whose confidence comes from experience. She is not afraid to take risks knowing if she should fall she can pick herself back up and move forward. I have started to do this and I believe that you can do too!!


Mys to survive a swedish winter

Jasmine ElnadeemWhen you move from a hot country to a cold one like Sweden, you need to be extra positive in your thoughts.

Don’t expose yourself to the rain and wind until you freeze like hell. Think about all the wonderful things you are going to do when you get back indoors. Like: light candles, take a warm bath, drink hot chocolate, read a good novel, drink glögg by the open fireplace, bake or cook something delicious, get under the down-covers with your little cats, etc.


Swedish people survive their winter doing lots of Mysa.

Mysa is the Swedish word for enjoy oneself. We almost have this in English with the word snuggle, but if you’re gonna be mysering in Swedish, you can do it with someone, alone, or even in a café.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Ex: Ikväll ska jag mysa framför tv! (Tonight, I will cosy up in front of the tv!)

Oh, my swedish still sucks but I know the cozy words, hahahaha

Yes, the Swedes do get really tired of the darkness, rain and snow and they usually take at least one annual trip to sunny locations a year. However, they still hold a place in their hearts for these warm, cozy nights in front of the fireplace or candles when the storms are howling outside.


This weekend I won’t be doing any mysa, I will be more partying and dancing my ass off with my babe Jamie to celebrate her birthday, but you try to enjoy your mysa.
