Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

As you noticed, I completely adore travelling. Living in Sweden has been a very tough experience to me.

My emotions which I prefer to hide are going out of control, so I need a vacation soon to stop thinking of evil things. Hahahaha 🙂

I love to travel to hot places so I make sure to stay hydrated!

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

During my vacation – which was so good to be true – or during my work, I have a lot of things going on so it’s important for me to make a habit of getting my workout done either first thing in the morning or immediately after my office hours.

You know that in your thirties strength training can help you build muscle and produce more human growth hormone, both of which keep your metabolism running as fast as it did when you were 20.

Lately I have been making sure to train every week for 3/4 days a week. I organized my calendar, set my alarm and lay out my clothes next to my bed the night before so I can get into them as quickly as possible if my training in the morning or to feel ready if my training is in the afternoon.

I think that even a light workout is better than nothing.

Work_hardWho do you sweat?

I sweat myself.

Where will you sweat?

This week I will sweat at Urban Ride and FightBox

When will you sweat?

This week I will sweat after my office hours, but from next week I will sweat in the morning to avoid  the too many excuses which can be found once the day goes on!

How will you sweat?

I’ll sweat doing cycling, core exercises and boxing.

Why do you usually sweat?

I sweat because I’ve seen the rewards that working out brings physically & mentally to me. I sweat because I want to keep a balanced lifestyle and I want to look after my body and there’s nothing like the endorphins rush that goes during and after the training.

Stay motivated, LOVE, J


Jasmine Elnadeem

You never really know what’s coming. A small wave, or maybe a big one. All you can really do is hope that when it comes, you can surf over it, instead of drown in its MONSTROSITY

Jasmine Elnadeem

I think it take years to develop your confidence and yes I feel more beautiful now at my 32 years old than I ever did in my twenties.

Hahahaha they say that women get more beautiful as time goes on. I think the more we get older the more we learn how to control our inner critic which stops us from glowing.

Recently I released that I love to have some good time with my beloved ones and to laugh a lot.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Another benefit of growing up and getting older is that your friendships are deepening, you decide to stay around those who respect you, don’t use you or take your friendship for granted.

I think after some tough time in my new home, I learned that the secret to a happy life is to not take anything too seriously and give zero time to self-doubt.

Sending Y’all some positive vibes, J



Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

My look embodies how I’m feeling today.

You can see that I’m a huge high-street fan and I just love shops like Zara, Topshop, Weekday, & Other Stories

I’m enjoying my vacation with my friends and boyfriend.

OH Yeah it is very sunny in Stockholm and I decided to work on what makes me happy.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Flight to Jordan is booked. Yes I’m flying solo to visit my best friend and enjoy the real hot sun.

Bikini Mood here I come Hahahaha!

BUT for now I’m loving these gorgeous days in Stockholm. Can’t complain! Now time to go for some tanning under the beautiful sun.