Urban Ride Stockholm

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemUrban Ride Stockholmimg_6636

Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. I like to get my morphine to survive life.

When I have major changes going on in my life, or I’m just frustrated from work, people or even about where I am, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of depression, bad moods and frustration. But when I’m facing a particularly hard time, I head to the gym in order that my stress disappears.

To stay healthy, train yourself to be the sculptor of your moods and remember that adults should do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every week.

It appears that any form of exercise can help depression and cycling is a perfect example of a moderate exercise.

Urban Ride Stockholm




I ended last week with a “Glow in the dark – Ride + Wörkout” at Urban Ride. We drove 30 minutes spinning and then 30 minutes workout.

Hahahaha I felt pretty shaky in my legs as that was 3rd workout in row. But afterwards we were invited to pumpkin soup, good cold drink, protein bars and healthy sweets. Yum Yum!

Now I start my week with my batteries fully charged.

Thanks Urban Ride & Pischa 🙂



Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

As you noticed, I completely adore travelling. Living in Sweden has been a very tough experience to me.

My emotions which I prefer to hide are going out of control, so I need a vacation soon to stop thinking of evil things. Hahahaha 🙂

I love to travel to hot places so I make sure to stay hydrated!

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

During my vacation – which was so good to be true – or during my work, I have a lot of things going on so it’s important for me to make a habit of getting my workout done either first thing in the morning or immediately after my office hours.

You know that in your thirties strength training can help you build muscle and produce more human growth hormone, both of which keep your metabolism running as fast as it did when you were 20.

Lately I have been making sure to train every week for 3/4 days a week. I organized my calendar, set my alarm and lay out my clothes next to my bed the night before so I can get into them as quickly as possible if my training in the morning or to feel ready if my training is in the afternoon.

I think that even a light workout is better than nothing.

Work_hardWho do you sweat?

I sweat myself.

Where will you sweat?

This week I will sweat at Urban Ride and FightBox

When will you sweat?

This week I will sweat after my office hours, but from next week I will sweat in the morning to avoid  the too many excuses which can be found once the day goes on!

How will you sweat?

I’ll sweat doing cycling, core exercises and boxing.

Why do you usually sweat?

I sweat because I’ve seen the rewards that working out brings physically & mentally to me. I sweat because I want to keep a balanced lifestyle and I want to look after my body and there’s nothing like the endorphins rush that goes during and after the training.

Stay motivated, LOVE, J

Exercise to boost your mood!

Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck © Aftonbladet Wellness

We’ve all experienced negative moods – whether it’s feeling feeling sad after receiving some bad news or feeling lost and depressed. such feelings impact on how we think.

So do you need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day?

A workout at the gym or a walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

Adding more cardio to your life will boost your productivity, rev your energy, and turn you into an unstoppable success machine.

Dflex Fitness

Exercise has another vital role, It signals the release of several key hormones, including serotonin, the famed mood booster; dopamine, which affects learning and attention; and norepinephrine, which influences attention, perception, motivation, and arousal.

Yesterday night I prepared my gym clothes and sat my alarm clock and decided to join again the BodyFit class which was instructed by David and Jamie.

Exercise always affected my level of happiness, and I feel the  rushing through. what a JOY 🙂

If you would love to hear more on how exercise and happiness work together, feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts.

You can also find the BodyFit class and many more at: http://www.d-flex.se

Love ❤