From Stockholm to Nynäshamn

At Nynäs Rökeri

Something to talk about!

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

Beauty exists within our strength. Two years and half ago I booked a ticket to Sweden knowing that trip will change my life. But I always believed to do what I want and not follow any rules.

Some of us who come to live here feels that they obliged to adopt almost immediately the Swedish way, others are honed over months or years.

In the morning I get up early, drink my coffee, dress up and head to work. I usually eat my breakfast on the way.

I love hot tea especially green tea, but also like to buy the herbal, licorice or the peppermint ones.

Still I try to make every day looks different than the day before. For example social media for me isn’t just a profession, it is my passion. It is all me! Sometimes I will post something in few hours or on a daily basis, but then I could go dark for a week.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

I like fashion and like to dress up, I love to shop even if I was not that much attracted to big brands. I’d rather have items that fit well in my wardrobe and last for long timer. one my icons is Audrey Hepburn, ya she was utterly chic and maintained such a fresh, youthful look. Oh her brows were epic and dressed simply but left a huge effect.

The day is coming to an end and it has been so much fun to see many of my friends.

Some friends just arrived to Stockholm and others will leave in no time. It feels weird to not be able to say to one of best friends “see you tomorrow” but I will be looking forward to seeing him in the near future.

Have a nice night lovely people! XOXO

Breath and Exhale

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

When you dig so hard to get to see your true self, you don’t regret harsh decisions in your life.

I sometimes ask myself if I’m happy? Am I feeling fulfilled?

But then I just remember what motivates me and connect me to myself. I do many things can makes me feel happy like dancing on my own, biking, hiking, playing with my cats , being creative at my work or going to the gym.


VIEW FROM: Katarinahissen – (Katarina Elevator)

Jasmine Elnadeem

My therapist has been advising me to think of what makes me happy or motivates my in those moments when it is hard to keep going on.

Don’t forget not to take a quick decision, instead take a deep breath and exhale. Think of something in your life that makes you feel alive, happy and energized.

Jasmine Elnadeem_dsf37833

I also sometimes make a list in my journal of things that spark my joy and make me extremely creative.

Wishing Y’all an inspiring day!