Jasmine Elnadeem

The human mind thinks about a squillion thoughts every day. These thoughts can be positive or negative. And who doesn’t have any negative thoughts even the ones that seem positive.

I think it is ok to have negative thoughts in mind for one or two days then I try not to believe these thoughts. While it’s true that things may not have gone the way I always wanted them to, letting negative thinking obliterate your self-confidence won’t help you get back on track.

There’s nothing wrong with choosing to have a positive thought in order to survive. If you can’t get any positive thoughts, then therapy can be a safe place to explore your self talk, internal critic and to consciously rework them into empowering messages.

It is normal to experience ups and downs in our daily lives and negative events that come along can send us spiraling into a bad mood, but learning how to recognize those times when we are starting to feel down can change our feelings to something more positive.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Spread Your Wings, Time To Fly. Make The Leap & Own The Sky!

Jasmine ElnadeemRemember to surround yourself with things that make you smile or laugh. Stop over-analyzing the situation and focus on your feelings.

I still insist on keeping my goals and dreams in front of me.To make a list of all of the positive things in my life. Being grateful to where I’m now, proud of myself to pass all the obstacles and challenges through my life.

I wished to be the perfect daughter or the perfect girlfriend but I’m not perfect. I’m no baby though and I don’t need anyone to be proud of me. I will follow my dreams no matter how far I will have to go.

Today I decided to smile overcoming negative thinking and to ignore the voice inside my head telling me that I’m not good enough or not worthy of love.

Today I’m also going to gym with my friend for some happy hormones, then catching up over dinner. And tomorrow is another day! XOXO


Jasmine Elnadeemimg_7560

Lately I have been working extra hours on different projects. I felt so tired on many days that I wanted to skip my gym.

They say: “A kiss a day can keep the doctor away.”

Kissing is intimate. It gets to the core of your heart and spirit because it’s such a lovely way to express and receive love and affection.

We live in a hard world, sometimes it is extra difficult to survive being a human being. We all face that bad day and sometimes we that bad day which lasts for several years. We struggle, we succeed or we fail. We lose jobs, love, money, even friends.

Then come that moment when everything seems cloaked in the dark.

Jasmine Elnadeem

I thought of what I usually do when I feel under stress. I usually think that first things first, I make sure to eat, I go to the gym and exercise the stress out.

Exercise causes a release of endorphins and I love the feelings of joy after a workout.

One other thing I do when I’m stressed, I shop flowers. Specific colors can invigorate, harmonize and relax me. Flowers create a different mood and causes an immediate effect on the energy.

img_7561Jasmine ElnadeemYes flowers are a wonderful way to bring color and positive energy into your life.

What about you?! Any tips or tricks to wash the stress away?

Talk later then, HUGS & KISSES ❤




Thursday sweat .. Today I invested in myself. I had today off, so it was time to wake up early for some training. I took my training to the next level.

I’m done with my first Thai PT session with André at Fightbox.



Today’s session focused on technique. André is an awesome coach and he is so generous when he explains the right moves.

Thai boxing or “Muay Thai” is a combat sport and martial art that has been developed in Thailand. It is known also as “The Art Of Eight Limbs”, because both hands, elbows, knees, and legs can be used to attack an opponent.


Today endorphins were because of the many high kicks. You know that there isn’t anyone who practices Thai that doesn’t want a higher kick. OMG so pumped!

I’m so looking forward already for the upcoming session.

Oh and thank you Emil for the awesome photos 🙂