Jasmine Elnadeemimg_7560

Lately I have been working extra hours on different projects. I felt so tired on many days that I wanted to skip my gym.

They say: “A kiss a day can keep the doctor away.”

Kissing is intimate. It gets to the core of your heart and spirit because it’s such a lovely way to express and receive love and affection.

We live in a hard world, sometimes it is extra difficult to survive being a human being. We all face that bad day and sometimes we that bad day which lasts for several years. We struggle, we succeed or we fail. We lose jobs, love, money, even friends.

Then come that moment when everything seems cloaked in the dark.

Jasmine Elnadeem

I thought of what I usually do when I feel under stress. I usually think that first things first, I make sure to eat, I go to the gym and exercise the stress out.

Exercise causes a release of endorphins and I love the feelings of joy after a workout.

One other thing I do when I’m stressed, I shop flowers. Specific colors can invigorate, harmonize and relax me. Flowers create a different mood and causes an immediate effect on the energy.

img_7561Jasmine ElnadeemYes flowers are a wonderful way to bring color and positive energy into your life.

What about you?! Any tips or tricks to wash the stress away?

Talk later then, HUGS & KISSES ❤

Exercise to boost your mood!

Photo: Margareta Bloom Sandebäck © Aftonbladet Wellness

We’ve all experienced negative moods – whether it’s feeling feeling sad after receiving some bad news or feeling lost and depressed. such feelings impact on how we think.

So do you need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day?

A workout at the gym or a walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

Adding more cardio to your life will boost your productivity, rev your energy, and turn you into an unstoppable success machine.

Dflex Fitness

Exercise has another vital role, It signals the release of several key hormones, including serotonin, the famed mood booster; dopamine, which affects learning and attention; and norepinephrine, which influences attention, perception, motivation, and arousal.

Yesterday night I prepared my gym clothes and sat my alarm clock and decided to join again the BodyFit class which was instructed by David and Jamie.

Exercise always affected my level of happiness, and I feel the  rushing through. what a JOY 🙂

If you would love to hear more on how exercise and happiness work together, feel free to ask questions or share your thoughts.

You can also find the BodyFit class and many more at: http://www.d-flex.se

Love ❤