
Good afternoon, OMG I feel like a human once again. I woke up at 4.30 in the morning and walked till the metro (Tunnelbana) like a zombie.

It was freezing, -10 C and will reach -15 C in the evening.

Today I make my first trip in 2017, taking the train to enjoy the beauty of Sweden and heading to the south where you can see the sun.

Malmö here I come and soon off for quality time with my friends that I’ve missed!

This year I decided to put myself first. It sounds like a cliché but oh damn it, I always forget me. Work is important, friends are important but not more important than me.


Also I decided to BE HAPPY and try to stop worrying about stuff I can’t control anyway.

Above all of that travel more to see new places I haven’t visited before.

Malmö is Scandinavia’s most diverse city. Over 40% of its residents have immigrant backgrounds and over 25% of its residents were born in another country.

I’m really looking forward to visiting many places and sightseeing in Malmö.

Puss Puss! XOXO


Jasmine Elnadeem

Photographed by Bildmedia
Makeupartist Elisabeth Lundberg
Rapide For Brows Cosmetics Campaign

This year I decided not to write a resolution for the new year. Whether the past was a good one or bad, I don’t want it to hold me back.

I’m gonna let my past be a stepping stones to my next success – not an anchor in which I think I have to stay. It’s time to get over the past, no matter how good or bad, and start focusing on the future.

My past helps me to relate and connect to more people what will helps me to make decisions today that will dictate my future!

Jasmine Elnadeem

In 2016 I had the chance to enjoy life and travel around, meet old and new friends and reconnect with my inner peace.

I kiss 2016 a goodbye kiss and hopefully 2017 will bring me the best possible outcome.

Positive thinking was a huge part of my success during 2016. I created a positive thought that I wanted to become real in my life and worked hard to bring it to my life.

I did dare to dream big. Think big and not let negative people discourage me.

Jasmine Elnadeem

You know that the great achievers have a habit of seeing things. They work on their dreams to achieve them. They speak about their dreams to many people because the moment they continually say them, the moment they begin to believe them more and more.

My tip to myself and to you is not to stop dreaming, work hard on your dreams and when you have reached your goals, make sure to enjoy that success as much as you can. Be positive ★



Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine Elnadeem

It is too early for a New Year resolution but this week I wanted to start with some positive vibes which can transform my life routine.

I shake things up and make some tiny changes because sometimes the biggest transformations begin with the smallest steps.

Yes I always start my working day by replying emails and reaching to the world around me. But today I’m identifying the one BIG THING that I need to achieve before I go home. It is all about prioritizing my tasks and putting some of things on the top.

Jasmine ElnadeemJasmine ElnadeemAlso I’m going home to perp meals to store in the fridge. Cooking some brown rice, boiling eggs for breakfast. Oh how much I miss my breakfast egg.

In the night I will be moving my night cream from the bathroom to next to my bed because with the cold weather my skin needs more hydration.

I won’t forget to organize my workout for the week. Training can always help my mind to rest & relax.

In the end it is all about breathing, so breath, drop your body to the floor, relax and rest.

Love, J