Impossible x Im Possible

Jasmine Elnadeem

Jasmine Elnadeem

Halloz Monday. Here we come with some positive attitude.

I will focus on the bright side of my life and expects positive results.

Today I won’t let any negative thoughts or feelings to overwhelm me.

Even if it’s only for a few hours today, I will push all the negative feelings aside and only focus on the good things in my life.

Jasmine Elnadeem


There is nothing like believing in yourself to create a successful reality. Today I will give myself the benefit of the doubt and believe that I can do it and that I will succeed at fulfilling my goals.

Thinking positively doesn’t mean denying that there is anything wrong. BUT I will just give myself some time to think about the things that led up to my current situation, to be proud of who I became and being the woman I’m today.

Jasmine Elnadeem

Wish Y’all many positive thoughts 🙂

PS: Today I started my first training at Fashionablefit Bootcamp which started today and for three weeks in collaboration with Adidas. Our training takes a place at the Urban Ride which is a very cool place, BUT that’s another blogpost!


White as the SNOW!!


Good evening my oldies!!

Oh what a Sunday. I feel great, a bit tired. Not because of partying but I fell asleep late and woke up early, kinda story of my life haha!

Yesterday was an amazing day, I went to the cinema with my love then we celebrated my one year anniversary in Sweden.

Today we went to walk on the frozen lake near to our home, I did my first snow-angel  and I enjoyed that to the max!




It was so nice to try walking on the frozen lake and a bit scary too at least for me. But the snow was incredibly beautiful and it was just amazing to be here. The light was magical to stand out there and take many photos.

Now I’m chillaxing at home with my kitties and a cup of green tea. Hugs! ❤



Thanks What Women Want – magazine and my friend Reem Gamil for giving me the chance to share my story with others. I hope it can inspire men and women who wish to change for good. #ImReborn #Reboot_2015

My journey towards a healthier lifestyle started after I was diagnosed with breast cancer, then a few months later I was diagnosed with another in my uterus.

Sometimes simple choices so hard to make, even when they might benefit us, like going for a run or eating healthier food options. BUT if you believe that the changes we wish we could make, it will be so much easier to make those simple choices that benefit us — Thank you David Seisay for making making the healthy choice the default choice for me and many others.


Inspiring and maintaining personal behavior change is not easy, but ensuring a sustainable health attitude for a better future is absolutely worth it. Behavior change is neither simple nor linear; it will require greater awareness, commitment, innovation and determination.


Buy the new issue of What Woman Want magazine for more great stories. xoxo