Got defined ABS with #bfit3


My ABS started to brewing something serious in week one and this is my week two of Bikini Fit Training .. Wiiiii Wahooooo!! ABS are more defined. Hurrah!!
Today this is not my weight this is my lean body mass.

Sometimes it doesn’t look like much is happening and that’s when people give up. Don’t give up, know that a change is happening.
Yes my weight has fluctuated but I’m improving. A normal scale won’t tell you that so don’t get so discouraged so fast, just believe in your journey because the scale doesn’t show when you trade fat for muscle.

As my personal trainer David Seisay always says, let’s get these ABS ready for summer baby .. Tihi Yeah!!


This is big for me. I’m very proud of myself. I can’t wait to lean out and see what package I’m bringing to this year!!

2015 = New year, new dreams, new chances, new goals, new chapter and this is an opportunity to BECOME what I always wanna be.

Don’t listen to anyone than you cause you are the only one who know what is the best for you.

Super Women join the Bikini Fit 3 Challenge!!

The Bikini Fit 3 challenge started and today is my third day following the training plan which was prepared by my private trainer David Seisay.


I already love the new circuit workouts because they combine cardio and strength moves, providing a fantastic total-body workout. Plus they’re the perfect boredom-buster!!

Why the “Dflex your body Workout” Works?! Because:

  1. Efficient workout. David has created a circuit workouts that alternates strength and cardio so my heart rate stays elevated, what should optimize fat burn and blast significantly more calories than most traditional strength plans.
  2. Variety Exercises. Switching up the intensity and duration of my cardio sessions keeps me active. And because I always work my muscles in different ways, i already feel that my body is tighter.
  3. I felt my body tighter because of every strong and vital move I make, from squats to push-ups.
  4. The regular workout routine which was designed for me boost my body fitness, my mood and energy level.
  5. I usually struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep but since I started training I can fall asleep faster and for longer time.

IMG_7710I already have tons more energy and I’m determined to keep up my routine! There are so many super women at this training, follow us on Instagram using the hashtag #bfit3 🙂

Make Peace with the Scale!!

Finding my happy weight is less about the numbers and more about a lifestyle that I can maintain!!

I have gained some kilos and my ABS almost disappeared during the long X-mas and New Year holiday “which will end on Sunday” BUT my personal trainer said that I can lose those extra kilos quickly. I hope I can do this!!!!

On Monday 12th January 2015 I will be following my new customized food and training plan which has been put together by my PT David Seisay.

I will be also part of the #bfit3 challenge, so I’m already excited!!

I feel that my exercise routine have fizzled during this holiday. The challenge is to get back to gym, rebuild my ABS to make them strong again and develop the lower ones. This time I would love to have more defined ABS.

These are my honest photos before and after the Xmas holiday.

I will reclaim my motivation to drive those extra kilos away, improve my flexibility to help myself endure the rigors of daily routine.

These days I’m studying my new exercises, planning, shopping, preparing and cooking my food to be ready.

I’m now fitter than before so I believe that this time mission/challenge will be easier than before with 100% commitment and no more excuses!!

I believe that I can do it again because I now know that results can be so addictive!!!!

Follow my transformation and wish me luck!!!